Create and customize models of fighters for games built on the Mugen engine and assign unique moves and combinations. The game features an editor for character customization and supports multiple visual representation modes. Regular updates are released.
Fighter Factory (Update Pack 3) 1.0 is a character editor for WinMugen. In order to use this program, you will need WinMUGEN installed in your system. WinMugen is a game engine that allows you to fight against different enemies. It can be downloaded from http://randomselect.piiym-net.com/hosted/misc/mugen-hi.rar. By default, WinMugen only has a character, Kung Fu Man. Using Fighter Factory, you will be able to create new characters quickly and easily. During the installation of the program, you will have to supply the folder where WinMugen (or DOSMugen) resides. The program will start letting you choose the language you wish to use to work with it. You can check if there are some new updates each time you start the program, or at scheduled intervals. Fighter Factory will let you create characters from the scratch or modify existing ones, to use them later in your games. There is a huge selection of characters available in Internet. You can download them and work over them using Fighter Factory.